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Telefonieren mit der EC-Karte

In ihrem Wahn, EC- bzw. Geld-Karten in Zukunft auch für das tägliche Blumengießen verwenden zu können, kommen die Sparkassen~auf immer tollere Ideen. In Zusammenarbeit mit o-tel-o läßt sich die EC-Karte von Kunden der Sparkasse Essen auch als Calling Card einsetzen.

Damit das auch schön "einfach" geht, hat man eigens ein Gerät entwickelt, in das die EC-Karte eingeschoben wird, und das dann die Calling-Card-Informationen als DTMF-Töne ausspuckt. Das ganze hält man dann emsig an den Telefonhörer, nachdem man eine kostenlose Servicenummer von o-tel-o angerufen hat. Zusatzkosten entstehen - zumindest in diesem Pilotversuch - nicht.



Mondex broken

We've received from anonymous a report on breaking Mondex's pilot system by TNO along with a confidential 1996 memo describing the break:

TNO's Ernst Bovenlander gave some details of these attacks (though he didn't mention Mondex as the target). He showed an electron micrograph of a fuzed link in a smartcard; while intact, this link activated a test mode in which the card contents were simply dumped to the serial port. The TNO attack was to bridge the link with two microprobes. At the last RSA conference, Tom Rowley of National Semiconduetor reported a similar attack on an unnamed chip using an ion beam to rewrite the link.

Included is a letter from the Bank of New Zealand to Electronic Frontier Canada attempting to suppress publication of the


john Young <jya@pipeline.com>

New bug found in Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer 4.0 bug can open user hard drives to attack. The bug, first discovered by a startup software company, can allow a hostile Web page to overwrite any file on a client's hard drive. A patch is on its way. http://cwlive.cw.com:8080/home/online9697.nsf/AII/970905internet

The Sept. 8,1997, edition of Computerworld's daily.

Mars Rover Fraud

I happened across a web site (http://web.inter.nl.net/hcc/I.Castelijn/) that promised to reveal the real pictures from the Mars Rover, instead of the -fake- ones released to the public. Since I found the web site regarding the " faking" of the Apollo moon landings amusing, though totally unbelievable, I decided to view the claimed Mars Rover fakery conspiracy theory, as well. Imagine my amazement when one of the claimed - real - pictures contained a view of a wristwatch that I had lost in the Desert outside of Tucson a few years ago. Even the inscription from my mother was still legible! I'm warning the spooks on this list that if I don't get my wristwatch back, I'm going to blow the lid off of their whole Mars Rover scam in Smile magazine. I'rn serious!

»I AM a number! I am a free man!"

Monty Cantsin, Editor in Chief, Smile i Magazine, http://www.neoism.org/squares/smile/index.html


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